Rijksmuseum entrance desks

Fibreglass design and manufacturing

Rijksmuseum entrance desks

We created these two unique hand-made fibreglass entrance desks for the entrance of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

Both fibreglass entrance desks were modelled by hand in PUR blocks according the specified technical drawings. The PUR surface was finished with some layers of fibreglass material. Because the Rijksmuseum entrance desks were sprayed with a high-gloss black epoxy paint, the finishing level had to be of particularly high quality.

infodesk polyester rijksmuseum Schurgers Design

Besides these fibreglass Rijksmuseum entrance desks, designing and producing in fibreglass offers a number of advantages that contribute to high-quality products. As a result, fibreglass and composite are increasingly being seen in the automotive industry and more and more product designers, architects and engineers are using this material.

You can think of applications such as fibreglass; interior design desks, machine hoods, engine hoods, displays, eye catchers, blow-ups, interior wall panels, building façade panels.

Below you will find the advantages of the properties of fibreglass;

  • It is light and strong.
  • Electrical and thermal insulating.
  • Does not conduct electricity or heat. 
  • Corrosion and chemical resistant.
  • Resistant to: weather conditions, temperature fluctuations, acids, bases. 
  • Low expansion coefficient.
  • Not magnetic.
  • Low maintenance.
  • Freedom in design.
  • High impact resistance.
  • Available in different colours.
  • UV resistant.
  • Very long life.
  • Good value for money.

Feel free to ask for a quote!

Are you interested in a new product design or do you want to know more about our current projects? Please feel free to contact us via telephone number 023-5283367 or send us an email at info@schurgersdesign.com.